Research Summary of Operation Jade Helm
The Right Wing Strategy
How their Strategy works to infect those who are fearful and vulnerable
Last Tuesday President Obama signed into law an Agriculture Appropriations Bill which contains a provision protecting genetically modified seeds from litigation in the face of health risks
Weds 21st, November 2012 - "SKYLINES" were visible throughout the day. No chemtrailing over Los Angeles as of November 24th, 2012
Healthcare Workers Fired for Failing to Get Flu Vaccinations
View Article
4,200 San Antonio, Texas School Children Requried to Wear RFID Tracking Chips
Full Article:
New Breakthrough Research Study on Chemtrails - Agencies behind it, videos and more...
Heavy chemtrail spraying began on October 31st during the afternoon and as of November 1st, 2012, there are many "X" grid patterns across the sky. This is 2 days after the full moon. Spraying is the heaviest I have seen in a long time.
Chemtrail Spraying occured From Sep 27th to 29th.
Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future
September 22nd, 2012. Chemtrail spraying was very heavy today. Occured all day.
Below is a video of the blazing red sunsets associated with chemtrails. One of the best ways to see if chemtrails were being sprayed is to always watch the sunsets. They will always be a blazing red color.
September 21st, 2012. Chemtrail spraying very heavy over Los Angeles, California today. Spraying began in early morning and lasted throughout entire day. This was the day that the space shuttle Endeavour arrived in Los Angeles, and most of the media was telling people to look into the sky to watch the Endeavour Land at LAX. This is also the date of the September Equinox. I also notice that doing a search of YouTube for Chemtrails, chemtrail spraying was occuring all around the world during this September Equinox. October into December each year is when chemtrail spraying always occurs more often. Expect more spraying soon.
If chemtrail spraying is not stopped, this is the future:
A new rise of economic and corporate Slaves is emerging. Made easy by corporations always making excessive profits, from financial downturns. An era where corporate slavery has never looked so attractive leading to the first time in history millions of people becoming willing slaves, instead of the previous eras where those who experienced slavery experienced it against their will. The success of china will spread as being eonomically healthy will set the leading example, turning nations that once had free speech to have these freedoms taken away to support the new agenda of financial prosperity. Chemtrails will achieve this agenda. It is the peoples lack of willingness to stand up that will make this a reality.
Posted September 18th, 2012.
Chemtrail spraying occurred in the western portion of the sky around 4 p.m. On September 17th, 2012. From visible observations, spraying appeared to cease over Malibu, California. Due to the strong prevailing souh-easterly winds, the "chemtrail cloud" appeared to drift east over Los Angeles during the late evening. The evening of September 17th, 2012, was the coolest temperature recorded in months. The majority of chemtrail spraying results in much warmer evening temperatures, but tonight it was exactly the opposite. Below I have posted a video of the spraying. Below is the video:
Smart Meter Sales to Triple, Chips Inside to Double, by 2016
Added September 14th, 2012
Are they Using the Freezing of Space Time to Fool Your Mind and when time is frozen to place a hidden agenda in the mind of the public? - Link - The Miracle of Time Compression and How to Break World Records by "Freezing Space/Time"
Added September 14th, 2012.
In the video below, Jill Stein, who represents the Green Political Party, shows cleary that we live in a 2 party political dictatorship and that the Green Party is just one of the many grass roots parties predicted to overtake the current forced U.S. two party political system we currently are living in. There are now over 100 green parties worldwide, and green members of parliament have been elected in many countries including Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Italy, France, Germany, and Finland.
Added September 12th, 2012: This is the 2nd time in a year now that I have observed Chemtrail spraying, and then 2 or 3 days later my immune system defences would be weak, manifesting in flu-type symptoms. Due to having immune system strengthening technologies, I was able to ward this "flu" or "bug type" virus before it was able to fully manifest itself. I used a combination if visualizing my body in a glowing golden healing light, combined with massive doses of vitamin C every 3 hours for 4 hours, and having a massive amount of plain yogurt mixed in with the powerful immune boosting herb Astragalus and Clover Honey. I took 2 cod liver/fish oil capsules during this 3hr period.
This particular spraying occurred just after the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Both times this has occured, I have been working on natural sustainable projects that enhance my local community and boost overall health and wellness for my community. Back in 2003 and 2004, these same flu like symptoms occured when I was working on similiar type projects, than I went overseas (to islands in the Pacific), and never had the flu type symptoms until they started spraying the islands heavily late in 2010 and into 2011.
It is the conclusion of this researcher, that some chemtrail spraying is targeting the immune system and activating a flu bug type virus in people that are successfully inventing or working towards technologies and / or methods that promote the emerging sustainable communities, which is projected to be the future driving growth of America's and England's next economic direction.
The work stress on these projects was not even that great and totaled a total of 3hrs work for the day. I had also noted serious short term memory lapses and lack of being able to sleep due to an overcharged metabolism the day of spraying. I also noticed that the two days following spraying the food I ate did not digest normally. (I am a raw foods vegetarian, and always have perfect digestion due to the healthy lifestyle of foods I eat,). I now conclude it was because of the spraying. I never get Ill, sick or any type of flu like symptom and always sleep soundly, only when they spray are my biorhythums and short term memory and problem solving skills affected, not to mention my digestion and immune system becoming off-balance. Below I have listed some of the major organizations just starting to make powerful political impacts in communities across the United States and England.
BALLE - Building Local Economies
Re-New London Council Creating a Sustainable Community
The National People's Action
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
New York Communities for Change (NYCC)
New Bottom Line
Right to the City
Someone or something is giving it all they can in their arsenal to stop this transition from occuring, but you know what? Me and my partners and community just get stronger when they do this because we know their time of fear mongering, hate and greed is rapidly coming to an end, and their "push button remote" attempted eliminaton agenda is rapidly loosing ground. They do these things in the dark because they know what they are doing is bad. I would strongly encourage all of you to pay attention to the skies, and how your immune system feels 3 to 4 days after they have been sprayed with Chemtrails, then listen to how your body responds to according to any projects impacting the future of you or your community in a positive way, or any keywords that come across your mind. How sad they have to use technology to make a persons immune system turn on them for their evil agenda. I always noted whenever I boosted my immune system, it would always affect the consciousness of the local surrounding community I was in. This re-affirms the saying "Heal yourself and you Heal the world". The immune system most definitely plays a major role In advancing forward and changing the world we live in, no wonder they target it. Keeping the immune system strong with visulization and herbs is not enough, but knowing when to combine these two processes, after a most recent spraying seems to be key to destroying this unwanted strange flu type bug "virus". By doing so, we can push our agenda for a better world forward, and become stronger and smarter after each spraying.
Published September 12th, 2012.
Added September 11th, 2012
Why in the World are They Spraying?" Full Length Documentary - Available for Viewing on YouTube.
Thank you to Director and Producer Mr. Michael J. Murphy and Editor Barry Kolsky for making this video available for all to see and to get the truth out. (August 2012)
Light Chemtrail Spraying Occured on September 7th, 2012, over Los Angeles, California. There were vertical line markers on the western horizon at sunset, indicating possible spraying on the 8th. On the 8th, very, very light lines in the spray, no heavy chemtrail spraying on this date. X-Ray Background Flux Levels are dropping, which is when sparying occured. There were also 6 C Class Flares, which is a time of "Stimulation" for the body.
On September 9th, 2012. Very, Very light spraying occured late at night lasting to early morning. Effects were visible for most of the early morning.
Why hasn't the United States recovered from the Recession and is it Entering a 2nd Great Depression? - Published September 5th, 2012
Posted August 1st, 2012.
If your local media news is not covering the local topics. You are welcome to visit these 2 sites which will give you the latest news that is breaking out. Be sure to share this with your friends and family.
The first source is RT news. A very good site documenting each incident with excellent media coverage.
The second is The Big Picture on RT. Excellent Award winning Journalism showing what is really going on behind the scenes.
These sites will give you immediate information on topics that could endanger you or your family.
Chemtrail Forecast Beta page underway at: Chemtrail Forecast Beta Edition
CHEMTRAIL SPRAYING CYCLE #6 (march 2012) IS NOW AVAILABLE. SEE FORECASTING PAGE FOR DATES. This spraying cycle is predicted to deliver an extra "powerful punch" so be prepared.
Are you still paying an “income tax”. The Video below shows 2 former IRS agents as well as individuals who no longer file tax returns as of July 2012.
We really appreciate NASA creating a contrail forecasting page, because when you compare chemtrails.bust observational data to days when contrails form easily in the sky, you will see that chemtrails are real and are having effects on the population and our earth. Visit NASA’s Contrail Forecasting Page. Visit NASA’s Contrail Forecasting Historical DATABASE to research dates yourself against chemtrails.bust data.
Thank you NASA for such an excellent piece of work!
After using the above NASA "contrail" forecasting page, I have noticed that some days the sky would be perfectly clear when the NASA contrail forecasting page said there would be "contrails" forecast. Another weekness in their model is that on days "contrails" appear, it would be the perfect time to spray "chemtrails" as it would blend in perfectly with the "contrails". I don't give the NASA contrail forecating page much validation. Do the research yourself, look at the database when the sky is clear, and they will show "contrails" forecast. Second, you can't explain why these planes (as shown in the video below) turn on and off their "contrails". Since when do "contrails" turn off and on by themselves at planes flying at the same altitude? As the video shows, there are 2 planes side by side, one with a "trail" and another without? How do you explain this NASA?
Below is another video showing 2 planes at the exact same altitude and with one spraying and the other nothing.
In conclusion, there may be some confusion as on some days contrails really do cover the sky. However at certain times, due to the weather acting strange or possible behaviour modification, chemtrail spraying does occur, either during heavy contrail days disguised as "contrails" (spraying occuring hidden among the contrails) or very rarely during days of blue skies, when the chemtrails are highly visible. One thing is for certain, always around full moons chemtrails always cover the sky.
The Rising New 3rd Political Party – The Occupation Party
Chemtrails.bust Fully Endorses The Occupation Party and their goals.
The below video clarifies the confusion about Communists in the White House, showing that it is really turning into a Fascist Regime.
Latest Updates: April 25th, 2012.
House Resolution H.R. 347 - Making the First Amendment Right to Protest Into A Felony
View New Head of Lenin Erected on La Brea Ave in Los Angeles in December 2011.
Chemtrails.bust stands in solidarity with Google, Wikopedia and other advocates of Free Speech to keep our Internet Free
The Cure for Cancer your "local" pharmaceutical company isn't going to release anytime soon.
Feb 6th, 2012: Heavy chemtrail spraying began at around 7 p.m. on the 5th and persisted until the early morning hours of Feb 6th, 2012 (full moon date). The sky was overcast on the 6th, with "rain" forecast on the 6th. This "rain" appears to be Geoengineered from chemtrails
While President Obama’s supporters hailed his withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq as the end of the war in the middle east, behind the scenes the Pentagon has been quietly massing troops and armaments on two islands located just south of the Strait of Hormuz, and within easy striking distance of Iran.
In addition to some 50,000 U.S. troops currently in the region waiting for orders (apparently they won’t be home by this past Christmas as was originally promised), Nobel Peace Prize winner President Barack Obama is deploying an additional 50,000 soldiers to be ready for ‘any contingency’ by March. View Article Source
Chemtrail Forecast Beta page underway at: Chemtrail Forecast Beta Edition
Chemtrail Forecast Beta page underway at: Chemtrail Forecast Beta Edition
Some very interesting observations from the past couple of months.
For anyone interested in geo-enginnering, over Los Angeles during 2012, observations have shown that on the afternoon of January 19th and January 22nd, chemtrail spraying was not visible until late afternoon (around 4 p.m.), whereupon the next day it “rained”. This is no ordinary rain but a type of “drizzle” rain, without the usual downpour, and is usually accompanied by high winds shortly thereafter. Are “THEY” “making rain” at certain times? Only more observations will confirm this.
In this video below, at a North Hollywood Subway Station, you'll see over 1 dozen images of a young lady handcuffed.
Below is a video, received over 3 million hits in the last few days. I commend United States Marine Corps. Sgt. Shamar Thomas from Roosevelt, NY for his bravery and courage in standing up to 30 police officers and letting his voice be heard. Good Job Mr. Sgt. Shamar Thomas.
Another UNARMED victim of police brutality. Jan 31, 2012
If any of you are getting the "cough" from heavy spraying, please visit this page for a natural cure found
The End of Chemtrails - The Sustainable Solution
Call for an International General Strike on May 1st 2012
NEW UPDATE: Jan 14th, 2012:
Bob Boyce, a remarkable man, was not only "implanted" with an RFID Chip, but was also given cancer. He is barely recovering and our thoughts are with him. What happened is a person came to "help" him with his technology, and than drugged him and implanted him. You can hear the radio interview below, as well as another person who got unwillingly "chipped".
The Flaming Red Hot Link:
Hugh Grant, who Is Chairman & CEO/President of Monsanto (his term expires in 2012) ; The world leader in making genetically engineered (GE) seeds. Monsanto owned the NutraSweet Co. in 1985-1999; NutraSweet promoted the use of cancer-inducing product aspartame as an alternative to sugar.
Hugh Grant
Why did Monsanto Develop an Aluminum Resistance Gene?
Because chemtrails are full of aluminum particles + Biderberg member Hugh Grant, head of Monsanto, has developed seeds resistant to this aluminum build up in the soil + Bilderberg holds secret meetings + Some of the people who attend the secret Bilderberg meetings invest in Monsato. Microsoft is just one of them. + Bilderbergs plans to depopulate are now well known.
How obvious does it get. This is what is going on. Chemtrails are causing not only health problems, but destroying our plants and trees, just so some group of people can make a buck and have us turn to them for “help”, when the entire fiasco was manufactured from the start.
A serious direct message to those responsible for this horrible genocide occurring over our skies.
Nature has always restored or brought back balance to earth in the process known as the “self healing mechanism”, whenever man has thought he can use technology to conquer the freedom of others or use technology for war and other evil purposes. Atlantis is the most recent memorable example where nature took control and restored the earth back to harmony after technology was abused. You see by conquering nature you think that you can get away with exotic technology to enslave the earth.
We now know that one part of your chemtrail program directly targets our eco-system, causing the “brittling” or “crumbling” of living things. Under the guise of “weather modification” you spray your poisons. Let’s see who the winner will be this time round, mother nature and the freedom of the human race or your chemtrail experiment.
"As Edgar Cayce stated in his readings, Atlantis fell as the result of a misuse of its power and technology, and a disregard for natural law."
Those deciding to leave the flock and think independently for themselves are always ridiculed and seen as outcasts, but the reward of independence and freedom is priceless. Soon will come a time where this will reverse itself, those choosing to remain enslaved will be given lots of love, and those free of the bondage of enslavement will be the new leaders.
“Vegetable MicroRNA Actually Changes Our Genes! Can This Possibly Mean that it Can Help Ward off Drug and Alcohol Addiction? Professor Chenyu Zhang, Nanjing University’s Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, set out with his team to find out whether it is our cells or it is plants that make up some of the microRNA in our bodies. What he discovered was revolutionary, and points to the possibility that scientists may be able to make us even healthier—thanks to the micro-genetics of some plants to alter human gene expression.”
Note from Chemtrails bust, if these can affect our genes in a positive way, they can also affect our genes in a negative way. I like my organic food just the way it is, and I never get the flu anyway.
Another possible scenario for “depopulation” is via a major pandemic. If we can make it through to 2020, the chances of a major outbreak are almost non-existent. However we are now approaching the “tipping” point or “peak” of a worldwide possible pandemic outbreak. This is because every 91 years a worldwide pandemic occurs that kills millions.
Tchijewsky found that epidemics like diphtheria, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, polio, and typhus run in cycles of 11 years. 72% of the time epidemics thrive during peak sunspot activity, and only 28% of great plagues have flourished during solar minimums. We can rest somewhat assured that H5N1 may not mutate into an easily transmittable disease until after spots reach a minimum. This happened, however, in March 2008! Sunspots are now (in 2009) just beginning to rise. This current flu strain may be temporarily contained but chances are great that this killer will evolve into a world-wide pandemic as sunspots climb to a peak in the next few years.
Below is a video confirming how the Bilderbergers are planning to use mass mandatory vaccinations to deal with this. The only problem, is that these “shots” you get are designed to make you sterile and who knows what else. Jesse Ventura does the interviewing with this brave doctor whistleblower.
Oh, and isn’t this interesting: “Seasonal Flu Vaccinations Will Be Available at Target Pharmacy Nationwide Beginning in October / Target Corp.”
James A. Johnson, Vice Chairman of Perseus, a merchant banking firm, is also a director of Target.
Johnson is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Brookings Institution and is a member of The Business Council, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the American Friends of Bilderberg
Follow the links to find out more about background research conducted on these companies/individuals. Make your own judgment.
Target and Cereal Boxes and an indepth review of Targets connection to the “other side”
“Research links too much folic acid — a staple in multivitamins, as well as cereal and bread — to colon, lung and prostate cancers. Here's what”Ref:
"Education should aim at destroying free will so that pupils thus schooled, will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished"
Reading quote from Bertrand Russell’s The Impact of Science on Society (Columbia U. Press, 1951
" the Carnegie trustees asked themselves this question: “Is there any way known to man more effective than war to so alter the life of an entire people?” For a year the trustees sought an effective “peaceful” method to “alter the life of an entire people”; but ultimately, they concluded that war was the most effective way to change people.
David Rockefeller
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”-
“CBS wants your chemtrail photos. This is a huge opportunity. No matter where you live in the world, send your pictures NOW”
Time Magazine
“The Illuminati in America”
“Twenty-five years ago when I was a national spokesman for the British Green Party I was talking about the plan by the corporations to monopolise global food production from field to plate. Today, the crime is almost complete.”
Forbes Magazine
“Forbes family are major players in the Illuminati”
“The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower
"Right now there are just way too many people on the planet. A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels would be ideal." Ted Turner
"If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." Prince Phillip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, founder, World Wildlife Fund
Comment from chemtrails.bust "When we get to a position of power, WE DO IT BECAUSE WE CAN AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY"
That's the vibe I get from this. Absolute power corrupts. One clue to follow, is when some of these people get to a position of power, it's always about planning for the future, never living in the present.
Going Deeper. Who is behind all this?
Funded by the Carnegie Corporation. The book virtually recommends that the curriculum all be geared towards the Soviet system.“
The purpose in the creation of Communism was to establish a world government on the ashes of American sovereignty
In early 2007, Daniel Estulin, was interviewed on Dutch TV, wherein he exposed the meeting place and names of the Istanbul Bilderberg conference with plans of Peak Oil-induced de-industrialization; referred to in financial lingo speak as 'demand destruction'. [Demand destruction is an economic term used to describe a permanent downward shift in the demand curve in the direction of lower demand of a commodity such as energy products, induced by a prolonged period of high prices or constrained supply.]
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke seen leaving the 2008 Bilderberg Conference
The 2009 bilderberg conference was held in Greece
Putting the dots together: A plan for world financial destabilization occurred as early as 1970, but most recently seems to have been put into action around 2008/2009. We see Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke seen leaving the 2008 Bilderberg Conference which was held in Greece, and Greece is now in a massive negative financial condition. Going a little deeper, we see a “shadow elite” with plans to implement a dictatorship/communist system after a planned collapse of the American system, and along with the depopulation policies of the Bilderberg Group, chemtrails have surely been somehow orchestrated by either these people or someone surely associated with them. How obvious does it get?
The Solution is locally based sustainability communities. These are already starting to spring up and are the only solution to this madness of people who have too much money, too much time and most of all too much unauthorized power on their hands.
Here are three I’ve found so far:
Advocates for Local Living -
Re-New London Council -
I’m sure there are many more, however as long as the meaning and message remain clear, no central authoritative power can control any localized sustained community. Did you know that honey gathered from local beehives is one of the most powerful ways to cure seasonal allergies? Local certainly has power.
The Bilderberg Group’s Depopulation Plans Exposed
Bilderberger and Dictatorship:
Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List:
Bilderberg Investigative Videos
Just as Dr. Hoagland has suspected that information gleaned from our Apollo missions to the moon as well as other information from space exploration are used for alternate uses (possibly to keep people “in the dark”), the equipment and purpose of studying our sun is also being used for an “alternate” purpose. As we are starting to discover now on our chemtrail beta page.
In addition to its scientific mission, it is currently the main source of near-real time solar data for space weather prediction. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is a spacecraft built by a European industrial consortium led by Matra Marconi Space (now Astrium) that was launched on a Lockheed Martin Atlas IIAS launch vehicle on December 2, 1995 to study the Sun,
Source: Wikipedia
“In 1996, a chemtrail conspiracy theory began to circulate when the United States Air Force (USAF) was accused of "spraying the US population with mysterious”
Source: Wikipedia
1996 was when chemtrail spraying started to become more widespread, and is the same year the SOHO observatory was launched.
99% Choir Forecloses on Bank of America
Recent Breakthrough, November 22nd, 2011.
As stated on this page, chemtrails are only sprayed when the solar flux reaches a certain threshold. What happens is when there are 8 "C" Class Flares Present, a "gateway" opens up in part of the human body, that affects a part of our consciousness. This number is 8 "C" Class Flares. They will only spray at this threshold.
As quoted on
"Right at the point where the number of “C” Class solar flares totals 8, the stimulation of the body is maximized. As the C flares continue to increase, leading up to the peak of the solar flare, going past 8, we move into a condition Red. This is also known as the peak of the solar flare where the energy is maximized. These are time when huge amounts of energy reach earth, stimulating non-human and possibly advanced life forms with these huge energies. In humans they overstimulate the immune system and can cause bad health. "
So we know after a solar flare, as soon as the C Class Flares start dropping to 8, spraying will begin. They don't spray at above 8 flares because this energy is already wrecking havoc on the body. This natural stimulation is most powerful from November to January, when the earth is nearest to our sun, also known as perihelion. It is a well known fact that chemtrails are sprayed most often and heaviest during the month of December and asthma and allergies are most common during these months also.
– Earth is closest to the sun in December. The “threshold” of 4.0 flux is most common around December, because this is the time of year the suns activity is “cooling down”. Therefore chemtrail spraying occurs more often during the months of November to December.
They are interested only in tapping into our thoughts and consciousness.
From this we can generate an accurate chemtrail forecasting model, and known exactly the days they are going to spray. Upcoming will be a Los Angeles Chemtrail Forecasting and Results Summary Page.
If we take a look throughout history, there have been periods where human consciousness has undergone "leaps" and supression of this consciousness has taken place by supressing the human pituary gland. The "FLU" Vacinnation is another campaign to support this supression of emerging consciousness. Today we are seeing chemtrails also performing the same action.
The below "sun wheels" link contains numerous historical artifacts depicting the 8 spoked wheels and in many of these energies, if you look close enough, you will see people extracting energy from the 8 pointed wheels. The 8 spokes, representing the 8 C Class flares. Even today we see young people drawing the sun with "lines" coming out from it, as a subconsciousness connection to the energy reaching the threshold of 8, energizing human consciousness.
Here is the link:
Thank you Matthew Swalinkavich for your courage to protest peacefully and make the message known to world leaders at the the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Honolulu, HI
Click here to learn more: - APEC World Leaders Dinner Gets Occupied<
Update October 7th 2011
The American Spring is here. Could this reach such a large epidemic proportion that members in congress or other legislative branches "turn on" the president, resulting in a coupe that happened in Egypt and other Arab nations? Possibly having Ron Paul replace Obama? Anythings possible at this point and I urge readers to support a peaceful growth of the American Spring that is just beginning. You are making more of an impact than you think, so keep up the peaceful acts of non-violence so that this can end peacefully and with a major change in our financial system and and end to the corruption, lies and deceit in our government.
October 1st, 2011. Chemtrail Report from Hawaii. Spraying began at 3 a.m. in the far east, drifting westbound toward the island of Oahu. "Marker" tail was clearly visible on the eastern horizon. Solar Flux levels have started to drop into the more "life giving" range 4.0 and dropping). Therefore we can conclude that this spraying is meant to induce a "stress" into the population.Fish Die Offs and the Recent Record Breaking X-Ray Background Radiation Levels Posted: September 20th, 2011.
Fish Die Offs occuring here:
X-Ray Background Flux Levels Here.
New Research Results
Updated: September 5th, 2011
For those of you wondering, "today the solar flux was high, but there was no chemtrail spraying". This is because they will only spray most times when the solar flux is at medium levels, not at super high levels. They will never spray when the solar flux background levels are at 4.0 or above. This is because there is a higher chance of the immune system naturally becoming vulnerable to disease during these "super solar flare" periods. Medium levels are conductive to health and life on earth, they promote life and help in the creation of ideas and smooth mental processing. Super high flares can cause irriational behaviour and disturbed judgment.
As the image above shows, X-Ray background Flux Levels of 4.0 and higher, will guarantee no chemtrail spraying, at least in Hawaii.
Link courtesty of Stanford, NOAA and the U.S. Dept of Commerce
New Updates: September 7th, 2011
"Will a man-made synthetic, self-replicating, nano pathogen be the cause of a new global pandemic that may forever change the future of mankind? It sounds like some kind of science fiction horror invading from another planet. Self replicating nano machine pathogens floating unobserved through the air silently invading their unsuspecting human hosts and slowly turning them into gray goo. Once they establish a beach head in the human body they exhibit a type of group intelligence allowing them to communicate & invade all parts of the body including the brain"
"there are approx. 175,000 new cases of lung cancer each year in the United States. So far, this year(2006), just for the months of January and February there are ALREADY 172,000 new cases of lung cancer.* If the rate of newly diagnosed lung cancer continues at this pace through 2006 there will be well over 1,000,000 new cases of lung cancer for '06 vs the annual 175,000 rate for preceeding years. This is an absolutely stunning increase...suddenly lung cancer rates have increased 1000%?! And they are telling us to worry about BIRD FLU? What is going on? "
Reference Link:
There is a very real possibility of another worldwide pandemic outbreak occuring between July 2013 and July 2014, instead of it being organic, it may be "nano-tech" related.
Take a look at these pictures of Morgellons:
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They may be pictures of what I hope doesn't come true in the mass population:
After the war the Carnegie Endowment trustees reasoned if they could get control of education in the United States, they would be able to prevent a return to the way of life as it had been prior to the war; and they recruited the Rockefeller Foundation to assist in such a monumental task
Ref: Reading from Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage by Robert H. Goldsborough (Washington Dateline Publishers, Baltimore, Maryland, 1989)]