Published September 5th, 2012
Those major banks and companies who broke SEC and Banking laws should serve prison time to serve as a deterrent to other financial institutions that illegal insider trading and other deceitful activities will not be tolerated in the fragile financial markets.
Reference Source: Why Are There Still No Bankers In Jail? -
"The survey, sponsored by whistleblower defense firm Labaton Sucharow, is a revelation: Almost half of the senior-level bankers in a recent poll refused to say they wouldn't break the law. One in four said they "had observed or had firsthand knowledge of wrongdoing in the workplace." Only 41 percent of them said that colleagues in their own firm had "definitely not" committed crimes to get ahead"
Resource: Crooked Bankers Are Corrupting Government: The Real LIBOR Story
The 2008 Meltdown And Where The Blame Falls - Based on notes for a speech at the Harvard Class of 1957 55th reunion in Cambridge, Mass. on May 22nd
Below is a clip from the Movie "Inside Job" an excellent documentary about the 2008 crash.
No person who has served on in an executive corporate capacity and whose corporation has received federal or state funding should never be allowed to hold state, local or federal positions, as happened in the case of Goldman Sachs.
Reference Source: A CBS News analysis of the revolving door between Goldman and government reveals at least four dozen former employees, lobbyists or advisers at the highest reaches of power both in Washington and around the world - - CBS News Investigation
"Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is a former Goldman CEO; Arthur Levitt, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission is a now a Goldman adviser; and former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt is now a paid lobbyist for the firm"
Large companies like Goldman Smacks and others were only bailed out because of their immense interests to Washington. If these companies failed, it was only due to their internal corruption, dishonesty and lack of dedication to hard work. If they failed, they should never be "bailed out", this risks the formation of a fascist organization occurring, which can lead to extremely dangerous circumstances.
Increase unionization or increase employee worker protection and entitlement programs. People that work hard all their lives, should be entitled to a safe, decent and respectable working conditions, along with a decent secure retirement package. It's a Fact: Unions do increase the standard of living for any worker in any job position.
Resource: American Rights at Work
"Isn't it unprofessional to join a union? Academy Award winners Tom Hanks, Susan Sarandon and Kevin Spacey don’t think so. Neither do Grammy Award winners Tony Bennett and Carlos Santana. World-renowned physicist Albert Einstein and the late Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post Cartoonist Herblock were also prominent union members. These are just a handful of the artists, scientists, journalists, educators, and others who have been at the top of their professions and who have strongly supported their unions"
The Department for Professional Unions
Student loans outstanding longer than 7 years should be forgiven. We have millions of people wanting to go back to school to learn the new skills to compete with the newly emerging technologies, but cannot do so to having outstanding student loans up to 20 years old. Banks make money from the interest payments,
Reference Source: 1 Million People Show Support for Student Loan Forgiveness Act - U.S.
Severely limit the amount of credit issued. This builds strong savings habits and responsible spending.
Enforce Laws and Watch Misuse of Pension Funds, which could be used in Risky Stock Ventures
"Heads of pension funds across the country feel trapped. Lower-risk instruments, like 10-year Treasury notes with a yield of around 2 percent, simply will not fill the gaps many systems face between what they have and what they owe retirees. The Austin Police Retirement System, for example, moved 46 percent of the $505 million it oversees into alternatives after the 2000 collapse of technology stocks produced steep losses for the fund."
Resource: New York Times
"US West Retirees Try to Block Merger, Charging Pension Funds Were Misused"
Resource: Wall St. Journal
Fund the new evolving technologies that are replacing oil and gas such as zero point energy and cold fusion. These work and with federal or state incentives can replace coal and oil.
Reference Source:
Eliminate all corporate campaign contributions to those running for political positions.
Reference Source: Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
Law Enforcement and Elected Officials. Have an audience of chosen experts from around the country, as well as citizens from around the world, and have them watch the video evidence of the Police abusing people, than using a Facebook style campaign, have them vote like or dislike in rendering the innocent or guilty verdict. This would increase the citizen interaction and review process in carrying out swift and just penalties for those who abuse their power.
Reference Source: Police,
Re-set back the original banking rules of giving local banks the power to distribute money and lend.
Reference Source: Online Petition to Abolish The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution states that Congress shall have the power to coin (create) money and regulate the value thereof. Today however, the FED, which is a privately owned company, controls and profits by printing money through the Treasury, and regulating its value.
The ownership of the 12 Central banks are owned by:
Rothschild Bank of London
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Lehman Brothers of New York
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
These bankers are connected to London Banking Houses which ultimately control the FED. How did it happen? After previous attempts to push the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson's campaign for President. He had committed to sign this act. In 1913, a Senator, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Federal Reserve Act through Congress just before Christmas when much of Congress was on vacation. When elected, Wilson passed the FED. Later, Wilson remorsefully replied (referring to the FED), "I have unwittingly ruined my country"
A complete and through investigation is revealed at the Global Research Page
View a Complete Pictorial Diagram of who owns the Federal Reserve.
Award-winning Hollywood producer Mr. G. Edward Griffin Talks About how the Federal Reserve was Formed - Watch Video
Okay, so why doesn't our Federal Governments Accounting Office just monitor the Federal Reserves Transactions? So let's ask them..... So Congressman Mr. John Duncan (R) of Tennessee did just that. Mr. Ben Bernanke's reply was that if the GAO (The General Accounting Office) obtained full power to audit all Federal Reserve activity, he said that the dollar would crash and it would destroy the U.S. Economy. Here is the original this Video Clip of the event. .......................How can a GAO audit destroy the U.S. Dollar?
Below is a video about the entire process in simplistic detail. Highly recommended. Here is a quote from others who have seen this video.
"Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out. The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its "Duncan Initiative" received high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system in the United States". The movie also shows that if everybody paid off all their debts, the financial system would collapse, which is why more and more people are lured into debt.
One Solution I propse to give people more money to spend, is to eliminate the requirements for certain types of insurance. If you have a car and have had no accidents for five years, insurance should not be required and the 5 years of you having paid insurance can be put in escrow by the insurance company so if you have an accident In the future it comes out of the escrow and then you start over for 5 more years and the cycle repeats itself. Insurance companies would than make money off the interest of the money in escrow.
So What Is The Future Outlook For The U.S. Economy?
We are seeing the decline in massively credit funded Industrialization, and instead a shift towards independently sustained local economies. This would mean a return to traditional American values and an economy much like that before the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking System. This is a good thing because our current system has built up a strong enough foundation of tools and resources to successfully complete this transition and propel this new economy forward without causing a major disaster. A lot of the tools are already in place. The only resistance to this transition appears to be from Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Group who stand to loose huge amounts of money and power from this new economy completing itself. I personally believe this transition will successfully take place as too many people are discovering the truth behind the current financial system and will naturally want to push for more reforms.
We can already see this starting to form with these networks laying the groundwork for important future growth about to come. -
BALLE - Building Local Economies
Re-New London Council Creating a Sustainable Community
The National People's Action
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
New York Communities for Change (NYCC)
New Bottom Line
Right to the City
The fact is this massive financing over the previous century has made many things possible such as the Industrialization of airlines, affordable automobiles for everyone and the affordability of the personal computer. The fact is now we no longer need massive financing to propel us technologically into the next century. The next advancements will occur from local and international cooperative efforts, utilizing the combination of specialized resources (ie: Experts) making financing for large scale industrialized projects obsolete. This means less impact on local resources, less debt and an overall increase in productivity, due to less red tape.
The 2 main groups that will play a role in this are computers and people having expertise in the fields associated with the problems to be solved. So as Dimitriv discusses in the video above, now is the time to start perfecting your skills at what you are good at, especially in the technologies that develop sustainability and eradication of pollution and unnecessary waste. As for the social sector, experts on housing and independent food solutions will be needed. In other words, it looks like a lot of the main firms that were once used to construct huge complexes, were also the ones heavily funded by credit. This appears to be fading.
We are already seeing opposition from local communities whenever a huge building or wal mart type store is being built in the community. People want to know the long term financial impact these huge buildings are going to have on their community. Are they going to sit vacant during a major financial downturn? If they employ people, what are the long term impacts on workers? Will they contribute to a lower standard of living for the employees or increase it? What environmental and traffic impact will this cause in my community? .....and so on. So we are seeing a much greater emphasis on corporate / business responsibility and their impact on the community.
So as we see more social networking start to mature, the more we will see a decline in these once huge Goliath type industrialized projects which were only once successful when banks had rhe money to keep them fully functioning. In other words local communites will play a much broader role and will be instrumental in driving this change.
So in conclusion, there can't realistically be a recovery from this "recession". It's a fact that the U.S. Government's debts are in the trillions of dollars, and without serious cutbacks, will make a realistic balanced budget impossible. Second the skills and education from people graduating from colleges today don't include sustainability or implementing solutions to problems faced at the local level, but are more orientated towards globalization. This will continue to result in millions of people graduating from collage with outdated skills, contributing to unemployment. If you want to know what my opinion to what the solution is, I would recommended that the power of money distribution, printing and control should be the complete responsibility of our Federal Government. It has happened before and there was never a federal deficit.
At 1:36 minutes into this video Mr. Schiff, author of the Schiff report, shows why an economic recovery is impossible, and why QE3 and QE4 are inevitable. He also talks about the possibility of an upcoming Gold Standard. Video Recorded on August 25th, 2012.
So instead of a recovery, we are going to witness a transition, based on the outlined circumstances mentioned in the above preceding paragraphs. It's not a time to get scared or fear this transition as it is a natural part of evolutionary growth and change, but it is a time to prepare and not stay in the same mindset that recovery is going to occur as it did in the past. This recovery will be built on the new system that is about to emerge.
So in closing, we have the solutions clearly presented. The good news about impending crises is that it forces us to stop wasting money and resources and helps us work towards better solutions for everyone. If in fact there is another huge failure in the banking and insurance sectors, they should not be bailed out, but instead, the emerging transition into the new economy with its new resources should instead be nurtured. The reason some major intuitions and some of the U.S. Media are educating the public that the
U.S. Constitution and our Amendment rights are old fashioned is because they have everything g to lose if this transition is successful.
The Move to Amend The U.S. Constitution - Locate Your Local Chapter/Affiliate Branch
Investigative Network Website - Want to Know
Read my personal experience with Paypal and how they withheld over $100 in my customer's transations
An in-depth research article Published by