The Future of Chemtrails - The Sustainable Solution
FUTURE PROJECTION - The public is informed that our planet is "warming up" and we need " geoengineering solutions" to combat the out of control greenhouse gases. This is a complete farce. You see the long term weather effects are ruled by what position the earth is in related to a constellation, which the earth returns to about every 25,000 years. We are now re-entering this cycle where the climate of earth will drastically change. The last time this occurred was about 25,000 years ago. This was when the last ice age occurred. So those in the know, know that we are about to undergo a major climate change, it is not going to be heating, but natural cooling instead. This is also known as the "age of Aquarius".
View this link for more information shows each Aquarian cycle and how the global weather dramatically changed NATURALLY:
FUTURE PROJECTION #2 - The weakened immune system leads to an increase in cancers and alzheimer's diseases. Once again, corporations pop up with solutions called flu shots for a weak immune system as well as nano technology to cure cancers and treatment for alzheimer's, but never prevention or a cure. This is a complete farce in itself, considering that chemtrails spray aluminum particles, which aluminum has been linked to alzheimer's disease. They also contain barium, which destroys our immune system.
“ The Poison Control Center further reported that long-term exposure, as with any harmful substance, would contribute to weakening the immune system, which many speculate is the purpose of such man-made chemical trails.”
Recent research has linked breast cancer with the use of aluminum-based, underarm antiperspirants. Ref:
There is a strong connection between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. Ref:
Soils with low pH often have high levels of aluminum in the soil solution. This aluminum is toxic to barley, even at low levels. Ref:
People are told to prepare for an upcoming possible "war" or environmental “chaos”. This results in a near annihilation of the earth via war. Corporations once again step in and provide "survival" items and technologies. This "war" is not designed to wipe out the human population, but instead, those that prepared in advance survive and become slaves to the corporations that provide the survival items, thus creating dependency, and ultimate control (slavery), a serf system would not occur, as we are much to advanced for that in this period of history.
Throughout history we can see in all these cases there is never a complete extinction of the human species, but instead a "need" arises out of an artificially manufactured scenario where people are forced to become dependant on a fake system.
The real crises we have at hand is the corruption and exploitation of true talent and engineers being unknowingly used to find a "cure" when the powers that be are causing these scenarios in the first place with the purpose to enslave humanity and create dependency upon a fake system. This gifted talent, believes they are doing humanity good, but in reality there is a dark side. Just like the many “dual” sided nature of certain programs. The NASA space programs (the face on Mars) or SOHO the solar flare satellite (used to know when to spray chemtrails) and Area 51 (Used to design advanced population, which is used for covert means) and so on.
Also in all "Disaster" cases, starting in medieval times, it was the church that sought the help of the corporation to find a solution. Today it is congress that looks to corporations to find solutions to major problems. Notable examples include the "bird flu". Rather than trying to find out the true cause of a depleted immune system (which is caused by chemtrails), they try to make money off of "flu shots" and other "cures". Even young people today are at risk for these new "Viruses". It's not the "super viruses" that is the problem, it is peoples weakened immune system.
History Repeats itself.
As humanity grows, so to do the few that want to control the increasing population. Here is a simple time line showing how "advancement" has been used to enslave in the past.
Smallpox is but one example of how a situation of the cure got out of control. Ref: The Polio Vaccine Scandal Ref:
The Industrial Revolution. Coal and Oil was harvested by mine workers who worked for corporations. It is a fact that many of the coal miners were devout Roman Catholics.
The Present. The "mysterious" death of plants and the loss of soil acidity, as well as a decline in the strength of the human immune system. Now we are seeing the emergence of companies who have seeds that are genetically engineered to resist soil that is more alkaline. (Soil must be in a acidic PH range to grow plants). Chemtrails are spraying aluminium particles which is contaminating the soil.
The Present #2. The "Financial Crisis". This has been engineered by a shadow elite, most likely with connections to the Federal Reserve. The Purpose - To preserve the "valuability" of the corporate structure, because corporations provide the majority of jobs, thus fueling the illusion that corporations provide job security and local solutions. The only real security that is occurring here is that of the corporations. Another possible purpose would be to decrease the standard of living in the United States, making people work for less money out of desperation, leading to huge profits for corporations.
Don't get this article wrong, many corporations out there do much good and are enlivening the communities they live in, it is just the 1% of them that are exploiting the privilege to serve people in a meaningful way.
Stop allowing corporations to find "solutions" and instead allow individuals, and their communities to find their own preventions/cures. This is already happening with people building their health and preventing disease naturally from using on line forums and online research.
At this time there are small groups of independent scientists with vast tools and knowledge, such as and and others, who have complete natural alternative solutions, instead of using pharmaceutical ones. Herbs are one example. These scientists do not need to go through acumbersome legislative processes or use cumbersome time consuming technological destructive methods to find a "cure". It is a well known fact, although not publically disclosed that no corporation has ever made a "once size fits all" vaccine or cure where everyone has been 100% safe or cured. The future for finding solutions will be community and local based. Nature is already doing this for us. Did you know that honey that has been produced locally is one of the most powerful weapons against allergies? or did you know that the vitamin C from orange trees or other foods high in vitamin C locally grown are one of the most powerful immune system boosters.
IMPORTANT FOR THIS TO OCCUR. As long as the freedom of our Internet prevails, making it open, free and accessible to everyone, these locally based solutions are not only possible, but can defeat and tip the scales in the favor of freedom and Independence from whoever, or whatever seeks to OVER PROFIT from manufactured diseases and crises, which serve only to enslave man and create falsely created 'solutions'.
The Seeds of this are already sprouting:
OPEN HEARING - LOCAL LAW TO PROTECT AIR QUALITY IN SUFFOLK COUNTY - BAN GEOENGINEERING - Date: DECEMBER 6, 2011 @ 2:30 Cooperatives are business enterprises owned and controlled by the members that they serve Advocates for Local Living (ALL) works to support and inspire a thriving sustainable Fernier community. ALL projects are coordinated by an incredible variety of enthusiastic volunteers, as a project of the Wildsight Elk Valley Branch. There has emerged over the last several decades an economics that is at once based on community and on ecological premises. The latter is a no growth or minimal growth economics which is nearly the opposite of the dominating economics of growth. A growth based economics calls for limitless growth in order to sustain prosperity and all that prosperity provides in the minds of each of us.