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Los Angeles Future Chemtrail Spraying Calendar and Current Spraying Analysis

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Chemtrail Spraying To Occur between February 6th and February 8th, 2012. 90% Confidence -

Feb 6th, 2012: Heavy chemtrail spraying began at around 7 p.m. on the 5th and persisted until the early morning hours of Feb 6th, 2012 (full moon date). The sky was overcast on the 6th, with "rain" forecast on the 6th. This "rain" appears to be Geoengineered from chemtrails

Lastest Los Angeles Chemtrail Spraying Reports

From February 10th to February 15th, zero lines or chemtrails in the sky. Clear Blue skies except for the 15th and 13th due to overcast. No spraying occured because x-ray background levels were at very low levels.

February 9th and 10th, 2012. The last 2 days, ,NO VISIBLE LINES ANYWHERE IN THE SKY. This is once again after the "Geoengineered rain storm". Coming soon, the next chemtrail cycle forecast.

February 8th, 2012. Today was crystal clear blue skies. No Lines Visible Anywhere in the Sky. The last time no lines occured in the sky was directly after another Geoengineered rain storm. From this we can conclude that the Geoengineering is also clearing smog and pollution from the sky. This is the "positive side" of Geoengineering. There are dark sides to it as this site is exposing.

Feb 7th, 2012. As the weather forecasted, rain began at exactly 7 a.m. over Los Angeles, CA. Skies completely overcast today, so no trails visible. However, for the weather forecast to be exactly right when rain fell is a key point showing that these storms are being artifically created. This has happened on numerous occasions where chemtrails have been seen in the sky just before it rained.

Feb 6th, 2012: Heavy chemtrail spraying began at around 7 p.m. on the 5th and persisted until the early morning hours of Feb 6th, 2012 (full moon date). The sky was overcast on the 6th, with "rain" forecast on the 6th. This "rain" appears to be geoenginnered from chemtrails

Feb 4th. No heavy spraying observed today.

Feb 3rd, 2012 Chemtrail spraying was light today.

Feb 2nd, 2012. "Lines" appearing in the sky today.

Feb 1st. No major chemtrail spraying.

Jan 31st, mostly overcast. Lines in the sky again today. No heavy spraying

Jan 30th. Clear. No visible spraying.

January 29th, 2012. Chemtrail spraying began at 8:00 a.m. Results: Moderate to Heavy Spraying. Increased Respiratory Occurances.

Jan 27th and 28th. No major spraying today.

Jan 26th. Pristine, Blue, Crystal Clear Skies today. Corresponding to the "life force" phase region, meaning regenerative biological forces very strong. It would be good if all days had skies this beautiful blue.

Jan 25th. Lines in the sky, including a large "X"

Jan 24th. Lines in the sky in the morning and throughout the day spaced apart by a few hours.

Some very interesting observations from the past couple of months. For anyone interested in geo-enginnering, observations have shown that on the afternoon of January 19th and January 22nd, chemtrail spraying was not visible until late afternoon (around 4 p.m.), whereupon the next day it “rained”. This is no ordinary rain but a type of “drizzle” rain, without the usual downpour, and is usually accompanied by high winds shortly thereafter. Are “SOMEONE” “making rain” at certain times? Only more observations will confirm this.

Jan 23rd, Rain.

Jan 22nd, spraying very light after 4 p.m.

Jan 21 no spraying.

January 20th, 2012. No Visible Chemtrail Spraying Occured Today.

January 19th, 2012. “Lines” appeared in the sky today on the north east horizon, consistent with very, very light spraying. Spraying got heavier in the later afternoon.

January 18th, 2012 (revised). Very light spraying occurred in the late afternoon.

Jan 14th and Jan 15th. Overcast and cloudy. No visible spraying today.

Jan 13th, 2012. No Spraying Today. Crystal Clear Blue Skies.

January 12th. No Visible Spraying Today.

January 11th. Spraying was the heaviest seen so far over Los Angeles. The spraying was so thick, there was no visible sky the entire day.

Jan 10th, 2012. Spraying occured around 1 a.m. in the morning. It restared heavy to moderate at around 12:30 p.m. today. We are once again in "life force phase" Election results were announced for some of the east coast states.

January 8th, 2012. Today was once again a "tripple whammy". Full bore spraying during the peak of the full moon, along with high solar winds and an increased X-ray Background Flux, levels 2 to 3 points above normal. Expect negative health consequences to follow this outburst of spraying. Things like aches, pains, mental disturbances and of course the dreaded "cough", etc.

January 7th, 2012. No Spraying Today

January 6th, 2012. No spraying today. Only a few "markers" in the sky, possibly indicating spraying to begin tonight or Saturday/Sunday.

January 5th, 2012. No spraying today.

January 4th, 2012. No Chemtrail spraying today. Flux is dying down and almost flat. Spraying should stop until the next spraying forecast due to take effect around January 6th or 7th. Light Chemtrail Spraying did occur at around 7 night and ceased a few hours thereafter.

Jan 1st to Jan 3rd, 2012. The X-Ray Background Flux has remained at “life” levels the last 3 days, so chemtrail spraying has occurred throughout this period. Spraying has been minor to light.

Dec 31st. Light Chemtrail Spraying Occured This Day

Dec 30th. Chemtrail Spraying Occured This Day

Dec 29th. No Spraying Occured This Day

Dec 28th, 2011. For those of you who live in Los Angeles, today was a "double whammy", the first warm weather of the season, along with heavy chemtrail spraying persisted throughout the day. This could result in serious respiratory problems in the days ahead. So far our analysis summary has been almost exactly between 12 and 24 hours behind the spraying schedule. So in the future we may re-adjust our data accordingly. However so far we have been accurate to within 12 hours of a chemtrail spraying. Thank you everyone for your current participation.

December 27th. No Spraying Today

Dec 28th. No Spraying Occured This Day



Los Angeles Future Chemtrail Spraying Forecast

Please note this is a beta forecasting page.

Update Feb 8th, 2012. Chemtrail Forecast Cycle #6 coming soon.

Cycle #5. Added Jan 29th, 2012

Chemtrail Spraying To Occur between January 31st and February 2nd, 2012. 40% Confidence

Chemtrail Spraying To Occur between February 6th and February 8th, 2012. 90% Confidence

Cycle #4.

Chemtrail Spraying forecast between December 30th, 2011 and January 1st, 2012 with 70% Confidence.

Chemtrail Spraying forecast between January 5th and January 7th, 2012. 90% Confidence.

Chemtrail Spraying forecast between January 12th and January 14th, 2012. 80% Confidence.

Chemtrail Spraying Forecast Between January 17th to January 18th %70 Confidence

Chemtrail Spraying Forecast Between January 24th to January 26th %90 Confidence

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